雅思口语部分用剑桥的官方定义来说,是“关于你的背景、爱好、兴趣和习惯的基础问题”o但这听起来也太虚伪了吧?用普通人的话来讲,Part 1的本质就是一个chat,跟考官聊聊你自己的基本情况。从答案长度上来讲,每道题平均能回答3句话左右就相当不错了o当然,如果确实遇到了准备充分的题目,那你也不必“嘴下留情”,尽管发挥就好了,只要能确保流利就成。下面来让我们看一下“深度解析雅思口语part 1的实质”
一般来说在国外聊天儿的时候人们是比较随意的( laid-back)o既然咱们铁了心要去考官们的国家,那就得按照他们的习惯来了o如果Part 1说得就跟背书(regurgitation)似的,人家就会怀疑你跟他/她聊的诚意。所以,在Part 1里,请放松您的心态,跟examiner好好地聊一次吧!
Part 1的考题也是口试三个部分中最接近考生自己的生活的,比如下面都是《剑8》给出的Part 1考题:
◆How often do you see the people who live next door to you?
◆What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?
◆How do you think neighbours can help each other?(您可以在Day 7的Topic 9 看到聊neighbour所需的全部常用英文)
◆Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]
◆What kinds of article are you most interested in? [Why?]
◆Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?[Why?]
◆Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language?[Why?/Why not?](您可以在Day 7的Topic 5看到对报纸杂志类考题的详细分析)
◆Do you like to have flowers in your home?[Why?/Why not?]
◆Where would you go to buy flowers? [Why?]
◆Are flowers important in your culture?[Why?/Why not?](在Day 7的Topic 19 您将看到与flowers有关的地道英文)
◆How often do you watch television? [Why?/Why not?]
◆Do you enjoy the advertisements on television?[Why?/Why not?]
◆Do you think most programmes on television are good?[Why?/Why not?](您可以从Day 7的Topic 4了解到大量涉及到电视的常用英文表达)