
沈阳编辑 2019-07-29 10:19


英 [plɑːnt]

美 [plænt]


n. 植物;发电厂;工厂;(工业用的)大型机器,设备

v. 栽种;种植;播种;在(某处)栽种;立稳;竖立;安放

第三人称单数: plants 复数: plants 现在分词: planting 过去式: planted 过去分词: planted


1.Water each plant as often as required. 


2.He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables. 


3.They plan to plant the area with grass and trees 


4.The plant provides forty per cent of the country's electricity. 


5.She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly. 



用作名词 (n.)

1.I was completely frustrated in my search for antiquities and a rare plant.


2.Eventually the caterpillar will attach itself to a plant and sin a cocoon.


用作动词 (v.)


S+plant+ n./pron.

1.Farmers plant seeds.


2.They are planting corn.



用作动词 (v.)

plant in( v.+prep. )

把…灌输给… cause (sth such as an idea) to enter (sb's mind)

plant on( v.+prep. )

给…栽赃 hide (usually stolen goods) so that they seem to be in the possession of (sb), so as to make him〔her〕 seem guilty

plant out( v.+adv. )

移植 plant a plant from one place to another

plant with( v.+prep. )

在…种植… fill (a place such as a garden) with (plants)


用作名词 (n.)


bed out plant 栽种植物

cross one plant with another 使一种植物和另一种植物杂交

cultivate plant 培育植物

fail in plant 长不出,不发芽

fertilize plant 给植物施肥

grow plant 种植物

kill plant 伤害作物

miss plant 长不出,不发芽

nurse plant 栽培作物,培育植物

pot plant 把花草栽在盆里

pull plant up by roots 把植物连根拔起

tend plant 照料作物

uproot plant 将植物连根挖出

water plant 浇灌植物

establish plant 建立工厂

install plant 为工厂安装设备

manage plant 管理工厂

operate plant 办工厂

run plant 办工厂


annual plant 一年生植物

beautiful plant 美丽的植物

climbing plant 攀缘植物

delicate plant 娇嫩的植物

evergreen plant 常绿植物

exotic plant 珍奇的植物

flowering plant 能开花的植物,显花植物

flowerless plant 无花植物

hardy plant 耐寒植物

higher plant 高等植物

humble plant 含羞草

infected plant 生病的植物

leafy plant 阔叶植物

living plant 活的植物

lovely plant 可爱的植物

medical plant 药用植物

native plant 土生植物

non-flowering plant 不开花的植物

poisonous plant 有毒植物

rare plant 珍奇植物,稀有植物

sensitive plant 含羞草

ugly plant 难看的植物

automated plant 自动化工厂

chemical plant 化工厂

manufacturing plant 制造厂

heavy plant 重型设施

physical plant 物资设备


ball plant 带土秧苗

forest plant 森林植物

garden plant 庭园花木,园艺植物

hothouse plant 温室植物

house plant 室内植物

land plant 陆生植物

mountain plant 山上植物

oil plant 油料作物

seed plant 种子植物,幼苗

water plant 水生植物

arms plant 兵工厂

bicycle plant 自行车厂

coffee plant 咖啡厂

machine tool plant 机床厂

power plant 发电厂


plant breeding 植物育种

plant diseases 植物病害

plant hire 机器租赁

plant food 植物肥料

plant kingdom 植物王国

plant life 植物生存

plant man 种花者

plant pathologist 植物病虫害专家

plant pathology 植物病虫害学

plant physiology 植物生理学


in plant 生长着,活着

at the plant 该工厂的(工人)

disease of plant 植物的疾病

growth of plant 植物的生长

shoots of plant 植物新抽的嫩枝


a plant for making... 制造…的工厂

a plant in 栽于…内的植物

a plant of this order 属于这一类的植物

a plant on earth 地球上的植物

a plant with aromatic seeds 结芳香籽的植物

用作动词 (v.)


plant flower 种花

plant garden 在花园中种植花草

plant seeds 播种,下种

plant trees 种树

plant vegetables 种植蔬菜

plant explosives 埋炸药

plant flag 插旗

plant stake 打桩

plant colony 建立殖民地

plant idea 灌输某种思想


plant advantageously 有效地栽植

plant carefully 仔细栽植

plant characteristically 具有特色地栽植

plant consciously 有意识地栽植

plant conventionally 常规地栽植

plant daily 日常地栽植

plant densely 稠密地栽植

plant financially 经济栽植

plant heavily 大量栽植

plant incessantly 持续不断地栽植

plant luxuriously 地栽植

plant mechanically 机械地栽植

plant necessarily 有必要地栽植

plant sturdily 稳稳地栽植

plant successfully 成功地栽植

plant triumphantly 成功地栽植

plant unconditionally 无条件地栽植

plant apart 栽得稀疏一些

plant down 放置

plant out 把植物移植到户外


plant at 在…栽植

plant for ornament 为装饰而栽种

plant in 在…刺进

plant on 栽赃…

plant round 在…周围栽植

plant to rice 种上水稻

plant to wheat 种上小麦


1.A plant uses only a small part of the energy produced by that process.


2.One of the student inventors, Camellia Rupcich, says the device changes the energy released from the plant into low-level power to charge phones.


3.Farrant and others in the resurrection business got together last year to discuss the best species of resurrection plant to use as a lab model.

2018年6月六级真题(套)阅读 Section B

4.In 2018, farmers will plant the varieties with the most promise in the Ebro Delta and Europe's other two main rice-growing regions—along the Po in Italy, and France's Rhone.

2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

5.But during the past decade declining rainfall has allowed him to plant highly profitable crops.

2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

6.Canning is a natural extension of the planting she does.

2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

7.The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont's only nuclear power plant, an aging reactor in Vernon.

2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

8.The idea arose because of the perplexing behavior of the women in the plant.

2010年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ



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