


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2021-01-20 10:18



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The most important problem affecting our society today can be solved during my lifetime.


We are confronting many challenging and stubborn issues like climate change and environmental pollution, but luckily, we have organizations and individuals ready to combat them every step of the way. What is unlucky is that despite our relentless endeavors, such issues can【否定不一定用Not, 学会使用否定副词 】hardly be solved during our lifetime.

Confront sth. 一般指面临问题或困境

Combat sth. 防止一些有害的事情发生

Fortunately, everyday we see more individuals, organizations, businesses, and government taking concrete steps to mitigate the worst impacts of current challenging problems. 【with的独立主格】With collaborative actions taken, we are gradually improving the situation. 【举例信号词的多样性】Take climate crises, exerting devasting impacts on humans and nature alike, as an example. There is no denying that our approaches, such as rethinking waste disposal, developing renewable energy and limiting the use of fossil fuels like oil and natural gas, are making a difference. 

Mitigate the impact of xxx 减少xxx的影响

Take concrete steps 采取实质措施

Collaborative action 共同努力

However, are these measures radical enough to address the risks that those challenging issues pose in a short run, at least within our potential maximal life span? In fact, effective as such measures are, the road is still long for us to completely reverse the situation. This is because 【否定“前置”】few execution of solutions to those problems can be done without developed systems and habits. 【前句话没有说完的道理,接下来接着说】In other words, after finding possible solutions, we may spend ages cultivating habits of enforcing them and improving relevant systems, and we can hardly outlive this process. Take garbage sorting, an effective way to mitigate environmental pollution, as an example. With the garbage sorting policy implemented for over a year, I still find a vast number of my neighbors, including me, seldom sorting the garbage, either because supporting facilitates are 【形容词处做出否定】absent or we are just too lazy to do so.  Another example is the use of a cleaner energy – solar power, whose cost is relatively higher than its traditional counterpart. Since they are not as cost-effective as fossil fuels are, we still prefer to power our houses and businesses by oil and gas. Yet price isn’t the only hurdle solar faces, other limitations such as clouds and particular land requirements also demotivate us. Due to the above limitations, the widespread use of cleaner energies can barely be expected in a short time.

In conclusion, although our hands are not completely tied, we still have to be patient, as there is a long way, at least longer than my lifetime, before we humans will resolve the most important issues.


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