我们按字面意思翻译的话,一般都会得到“work at home”这个答案,但其实地道的说法可不是这个哦,应该是“work from home”。
Work from home is a concept where the employee can do his or her job from home. (Work from home是指员工可以从家里完成工作。)
The connotation seems to be that your work is still centered around the workplace, but you are completing it remotely.(它的含义就好像是,你的工作仍然以工作场所为中心,但你正在远程完成它。)
这里介绍另一个说法:远程办公(remote working/work remotely)
work at home 跟它们又有什么区别呢?
"Working at home" would still be preferred in cases where you were self-employed (so your workplace is your home) or where the work was actually centered at home for some reason (for instance if your job was assembling something and you took it home and assembled it there instead).
如果你是个体户(你的工作场所就是你的家,而不是公司),或者出于某种原因(比如你的工作是组装某样东西,你得把它带回家,然后在家里组装),所以你会work at home。
总结一下:原本在公司上班的你,现在在家处理公司的工作,是 work from home;而自由职业者,本来就是在家工作的,就是 work at home。