雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作同意与否 女性领导female leadership
今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下女性担任领导是否会减少战争和冲突的发生。该论点是这几年飞速发展的女权主义的思想之一。他们认为在男性的领导下,世界遭受了太多的暴力和战争。而如果女性担当领 袖,则可以实现和平。其原因在于男性和女性本质的性格差异。男性天生更加具有侵略性,而女性则更加倾向于避免与人发生冲突。不知道大家是否同意这一观点。小编搜集了一篇相关的高分作文,以供大家参考。
World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership. So, for peace to prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
If we delved through the major historical archives, it would be noticeable that many wars and conflict occurred under male leadership. This observation led to some analysts to favoring a female leadership in order to maintain peace and harmony. This approach purporting leadership based on gender to attain peace seemed flawed and simplistic. Instead, it would appear that leadership should be chosen based on democracy and the most qualified leader for the job.
如果我们深入研究各种主要的历史文献,我们很快就会注意到许多战争和冲突都发生在男性为国家领导的时候。这一观察所得导致一些分析家觉得为了维护和平与和谐,我们应该更加偏向女性领导。这种基于性别确认领导以维护和平的方式显得过去简单并且存在漏洞。相反,领导的选择应该建立在民主制度之上,并且由最 具资格的人担当这一职位。
On the one hand, supporters for female leadership cite the numerous wars and conflicts under male leadership such as Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini. However, it can also be argued that a significant number of atrocities had likewise occurred under female leaders such as Queen Elizabeth during the Iron Age. Translation from Laokaoya website. Additionally, those who support females’ leadership may quote their innate nurturing and non-aggressive characteristics as opposed to men’s innate aggressiveness. Similarly, this would seem an inaccurate statement as observed in the aforementioned argument.
一方面,女性领 袖的支持者经常引用男性领导下(希特勒和墨索里尼)发生的无数战争和冲突。然而,也有人认为女性领导下同样发生了大量的暴行,如铁器时代的伊丽莎白女王。此外,支持女性领导的人可能会援引她们天生的照顾他人和不具侵略性的个性,作为男性天生侵略性的对比。同样的,根据上面的证据,这显得是一种不怎么准确的论述。
On balance, it would be more sensible to elect a leader based on democracy and his/her qualifications. Firstly, a nation’s citizens should ideally be endowed a right to vote for a leader out of their own free will. Additionally, the most qualified person for the leadership may be another useful criterion. This characteristic may range from their previous experience as leaders, favorable leadership qualities and innate morale. Secondly, we all have to acknowledge the metamorphosis of gender’s role. It may be that more violence was suffered under male leadership because fewer females were allowed in that role.
全面考虑之后,基于民主制度以及他或者她的资质来选择领 袖明显更加合理一些。首先,一个国家的市民应该天然拥有自由地为领导投票的权利。此外,选取符合领导的资质可能是另外一种有用的规则。其特点由之前作为领导的经验,喜欢的品质,以及内在的道德混合而成。第二,我们必须认识到女性角色的转变。因为之前很少有女性担任领 袖,可能在女性的领导下会有更多的暴力发生。
To summarise, it would appear that the approach to claim that peace would prevail under female leaders as rather simplistic. Ultimately, what would seem more crucial is for the most qualified person irrespective of gender should be chosen by citizens out of their own free will.
总的来说,认为在女性领导下和平会自然扩散的想法太过简单。最终,更关键的是最 具能力的人由市民自由选出来担任领 袖,而无论他们的性别。