雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作流程图flow chart 纸张回收
今天我们雅思写作小作文范文的文章来研究下流程图flow chart。该图表展示了纸张如何从废纸变为新纸的过程,分为6个阶段。分别为:从各处收集废纸;手工分类;运输;清洁;消除油墨;机器造纸等。小编搜集了一篇相关的考官范文,大家可以参考下如何描述这一过程。
The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper.
At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a paper mill.
在纸张回收的第 一阶段,废纸被从纸张银行(公众丢弃使用过的纸张的地方)或直接从相关商业收集过来。然后,这些纸张被手工分拣,根据其等级分类。在此过程中,任何不适合回收的纸张会被剔除。接下来,分类过的纸张会被送到造纸磨坊。
Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a paper-making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.