雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作柱状图 离婚与结婚数量
今天我们雅思写作小作文范文的相关文章来研究下柱状图。所谓柱状图即bar chart,是用柱子高低来表示数据多少的一种题型,在雅思写作小作文中非常常见。我们以美国离婚与结婚数量为主题,给大家准备了一篇考官范文,以供大家学习和参考。
The first bar chart shows changes in the number of marriages and divorces in the USA, and the second chart shows figures for the marital status of American adults in 1970 and 2000.
第 一张柱状图展示了美国结婚与离婚的数量变化,而第二张图则展示了在1970年和2000年这两年里美国成人婚姻状态的相关数据。
It is clear that there was a fall in the number of marriages in the USA between 1970 and 2000. The majority of adult Americans were married in both years. this article is from Laokaoya website, do not copy or repost it. But the proportion of single adults was higher in 2000.
In 1970, there were 2.5 million marriages in the USA and 1 million divorces. The marriage rate remained stable in 1980, but fell to 2 million by the year 2000. In contrast, the divorce rate peaked in 1980, at nearly 1.5 million divorces, before falling back to 1 million at the end of the period.
Around 70% of American adults were married in 1970, but this figure dropped to just under 60% by 2000. At the same time, the proportion of unmarried people and divorcees rose by about 10% in total. The proportion of widowed Americans was slightly lower in 2000. (174 words)