剑桥雅思8Test4Section1听力原文与答案 West Bay Hotel-details of job
剑桥雅思8听力第四套题目第 一部分的主题为宾馆求职。内容包括具体职位,休息时间,工作福利,着装要求,工作开始日期,联系人员,以及所需资料等。雅思听力中的求职场景大体可以分为两类。一种就像这篇文章一样,已经有了具体的目标,询问详细的情况。另一种则是毫无目标,孩子挑选阶段,比如剑桥雅思7 Test 3 Section 1。两者在考试中都经常出现,需要大家多加注意。
雅思备考听力篇 剑8 test 4 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇
剑桥雅思8Test4听力Section1答案解析 West Bay Hotel-details of job
剑8 test 4 Section 1雅思听力原文
WOMAN: Hello, West Bay Hotel. Can I help you?
MAN: Oh, good morning. I’m ringing about your advertisement in the Evening Gazette.
WOMAN’ IS that the one for temporary (Example) staff?
MAN: That’s right.
WOMAN: Yes. I’m afraid the person who’s dealing with that isn’t in today, but I can give you the main details if you like.
MAN: Yes please. Could you tell me what kind of staff you are looking for?
WOMAN: We’re looking for waiters (Q1) at the moment. There was one post for a cook, but that’s already been taken.
MAN: Oh right. Erm, what are the hours of work?
WOMAN: There are two different shifts – there’s a day shift from 7 to 2 and a late shift from 4 till 11.
MAN: And can people choose which one they want to do?
WOMAN: Not normally, because everyone would choose the day shift I suppose. You alternate from one week to another.
MAN: Okay. I’m just writing all this down. What about time off?
WOMAN: You get one day off (Q2) and I think you can negotiate which one you want, it’s more or less up to you. But it has to be the same one every week.
MAN: DO you know what the rates of pay are?
WOMAN: Yes, I’ve got them here. You get £5. 50 an hour, and that includes a break (Q3).
MAN: DO I have to go home to eat or. . .
WOMAN: You don’t have to. You can get a meal in the hotel (Q4) if you want to, and there’s no charge for it so you might as well.
MAN: Oh good. Yes, so let’s see. I’d get er, two hundred and twenty one, no, two hundred and thirty one pounds a week?
WOMAN: You’d also get tips – our guests tend to be quite generous.
MAN: Erm, is there a uniform? What about clothes?
WOMAN: Yes, I forgot to mention that. You need to wear a white shirt, just a plain one, and dark (Q5) trousers. You know, not green or anything like that. And we don’t supply those.
MAN: That’s okay, I’ve got trousers, I’d just have to buy a couple of shirts. What about anything else? Do I need a waistcoat or anything?
WOMAN: YOU have to wear a jacket (Q6), but the hotel lends you that.
MAN: I see. Er, one last thing – I don’t know what the starting date is.
WOMAN: Just a minute, I think it’s some time around the end of June. Yes, the 28th, (Q7) in time for the summer.
MAN: That’s great. I’m available from the 10th.
WOMAN: Oh good. Well, if you can call again you need to speak to the Service Manager. Her name’s Jane Urwin, that’s U-R-W-I-N (Q8), and she’ll probably arrange to meet you.
MAN: Okay. And when’s the best time to ring?
WOMAN: Could you call tomorrow? Urn, she usually starts checking the rooms at midday (Q9), so before then if you can, so she’ll have more time to chat. I’ll just give you her number because she’s got a direct line.
MAN: Thanks.
WOMAN: It’s 832 double-0 9.
MAN: 823 double-0 9?
WOMAN: 832.
MAN: Oh, okay. Yes, I’ll do that.
WOMAN: And by the way, she will ask you for a reference (Q10), so you might like to be thinking about that. You know, just someone who knows you and can vouch for you.
MAN: Yes, no problem. Well, thanks very much for your help.
WOMAN: You’re welcome. Bye.
MAN: Bye.
剑8 test 4 Section 1雅思听力答案
1. waiter(s)
2. day off
3. break
4. (free) meal
5. dark (coloured/colored)
6. jacket
7. 28 June
8. Urwin
9. 12.00 (pm)/noon/mid-day
10. reference