
剑桥雅思9Test1Section1听力原文与答案 job enquiry

作者:沈阳新航道 2021-08-19 10:08

剑桥雅思9Test1Section1听力原文与答案 job enquiry

剑桥雅思9听力第 一套题目第 一部分为典型的求职场景,内容包括工作类型,工作时间,工作地点,薪酬,交通方式,额外福利,应聘要求,以及面试时间安排等。难度不算太大。易错点主要是第9题,因为不少同学事先没能预测出空上应该填日期,再加上22 October读的确实偏快,很容易反应不过来。


雅思备考听力篇 剑9 test 1 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇

剑桥雅思9Test1听力Section1答案解析 Job Enquiry

剑9 test 1 Section 1雅思听力原文

WOMAM: Good evening. King’s Restaurant. Example

MAN: Good evening. I’m ringing about the job I understand you have vacant.

WOMAN: Oh yes.

MAN: I’d like to find out a few more details, if I may.

WOMAN: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?

MAN: It’s Peter Chin.

WOMAN: Okay Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we’re both still interested, we could arrange for you to come for an interview.

MAN: Great, thanks. I’m afraid I missed the advert for the job but heard about it from a friend.

WOMAN: That’s no problem at all. What would you like to know?

MAN: Well, um, what sort of work is it – washing up?

WOMAN: It’s answering the phone. Q1

MAN: Oh right, fine.

WOMAN: And not waiting at table.

MAN: That’d be good. And how many nights a week would it be?

WOMAN: Well, we’re really only busy at the weekend.

MAN: So two nights?

WOMAN: Three actually, so it would work out at twelve hours a week.

MAN: That’d be fine. It wouldn’t interfere with my studies.

WOMAN: Are you at the university?

MAN: Yes. First year Physics student.

WOMAN: Oh, right.

MAN: Um, and because I’m not an EU national would I need a work permit?

WOMAN: Yes you would. Just get your tutor to sign it.

MAN: That wouldn’t be a problem, if I were to get the job. Um, where exactly is the restaurant?

WOMAN: Well, we have two branches – the one we’re recruiting for is in Hillsdunne Road. Q2

MAN: I don’t know that. How do you spell it please?

WOMAN: It’s H-I-double L-S-D-U-double N-E Road.

MAN: Got that. Thanks. Is it near a bus stop?

WOMAN: Yes. The nearest one would probably be just beside the Library. Q3

MAN: Oh yes, I know it. That’d be fine for me. And could I ask about the pay?

WOMAN: We’re offering £4.45 an hour. Q4

MAN: That’s very good. My last job was £3.95 an hour.

WOMAN: We feel it’s pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits.

MAN: Really?

WOMAN: Well, we give you a free dinner, so you eat well.

MAN: Right, better than hostel food!

WOMAN: We certainly hope so! And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays. Q5

MAN: Oh, that’s a really good perk, isn’t it?

WOMAN: Yes, we think so. And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you’re working after 11 o’clock we drive you home. Q6

MAN: Oh, that’s good to know.

WOMAN: Well, we’d certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if you’re still interested?

MAN: Oh yes, certainly. Could I just also ask what qualities you’re looking for?

WOMAN: Well, for this particular job we want a clear voice, which you obviously do have! Q7

MAN: Thanks.

WOMAN: And you must be able to think quickly, you know. Q8

MAN: Well, I hope I’d …

WOMAN: So, when could you come in for an interview? We’re actually quite quiet tonight?

MAN: Sorry, I couldn’t come tonight. Or tomorrow, I’m afraid. Thursday’s okay – that’d be 22 of October. Q9

WOMAN: Fine, after 5 p.m.?

MAN: Yes, fine. Would 6 o’clock be okay?

WOMAN: Perfect. And could you bring along the names of two referees?

MAN: Yes, that’s fine, no problem.

WOMAN: Good. I look forward to seeing you.

MAN: Oh, by the way, who should I ask for?

WOMAN: Oh yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Manuja. Q10

MAN: Can you spell that, please?


MAN: Okay, I’ve got that. Thanks very much.

WOMAN: Look forward to seeing you …

剑9 test 1 Section 1雅思听力答案

1. answer(ing) (the) phone

2. Hillsdunne Road

3. library

4. 4.45

5. national holidays

6. after 11 (o’clock)

7. clear voice

8. think quickly

9. 22 October

10. Manuja


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