雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3问题What’s the difference between men and women in their reading habits?
Honestly, I don’t know if there’s a difference between men and women in their reading habits. Since the first day of my school in the classroom, we have received the same education and finished their reading tasks roughly the same. But, concerning the difference of personality, I guess women are more careful than men. That’s probably the reason why some proofreading was mostly done by women.
有的时候,如果不太了解题目相关的探讨的问题,比如说这道题中所探讨的reading habits,我们不必一味得往那个问题方向去努力思考,考场上的时间容不得我们仔细斟酌。因此,很多时候,只要你坦白说出自己内心的真实感受,语言上不出问题,那么考官是不会追究问题的思维深度的。