雅思备考之口语Part 3问题准备Do you prefer books or movies?
I personally love movies more. It sounds like I am a kind of superficial man though. The reason why I love it is because movie is a more vivid way of getting to know the facts. You know, to a person who has short memory, it is hard for him to get a bigger picture by just reading through a large piece of wrriten information. So, if I was on an lonely island, moives are probably my best friend compared with books.
个人而言,我还是更加倾向于看电影的。这听起来感觉我就像是一个比较肤浅的人 我倾向于看电影的原因是因为看电影可以更生动得了解到事实。对于一个记忆力差的人来说,阅读到大片文字信息的会很难获得整个全局画面。所以,把我放到荒岛上面,我觉得相对于书来说,电影才是我最好的朋友。