雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3准备 Do you like helping others?
这道题分析看来,一般都是出自于雅思口语Part 1部分。不过,有时候考官也会出在part 3来当做引子引出更加深入的问题。所以,题目,虽然简单,各位烤鸭们不可掉以轻心哦。
Yes, I love helping people especially those who are really in need. I’m a white-collar worker who works his butt off and often finds no time to help others. But even if I was kind of deprived of my freedom at the company, I’ve still found a good way to help others. That is to donate some money as I can on some online charity platforms, for instance, I usually donate 1 RMB to help the homeless kids on Tencent Charity which is a Wechat based donation platform supported by Tencent company.