雅思口语Part 3: Are there any public places in China?
在我看来,中国的公共场所还是挺多的, 不管是用来娱乐的还是举办正式盛会的。最常见的公共场所相比就是在中国各个城市的人民广场了。每次吃完饭,我们就会去那里走动走动,散散步什么的。尤其是在晚上,你会看到很多的老年人们,我们一般叫大妈或者阿姨们沉醉在广场舞中。
Well, to my mind, there are many places that are for the public, whether it’s for entertainment or formal events. The most common place we go is a place called Renmin Guangchang, which is a public square in most cities of China. We usually take a walk there after dinner, and especially during the evening, you will see lots of elderly people, usually, we call them damas and ayis, have a crash on the square dance.