雅思口语Part 3: Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming? 人们有必要学习游泳吗?
嗯,学习游泳还是很有必要的。因为,游泳是一个绝 佳的保持体形和减压的方式。如果你坚持游泳,你就不会担心自己的身体状况了。好的身体状况是做任何事前的前提条件。我觉得曾经著 名的游泳运动员田亮就是一个很好的例子。他是一个很积极向上的企业家,会花很多时间再处理生意上。如果他没有坚持游泳锻炼来保持身体健康的话,这些活儿对他来说可不简单。
Yea, it is quite essential for all of us. Because swimming is a perfect way to help us stay in shape and reduce pressure. Once you keep swimming, then you won’t worry about your health condition, which is quite important for doing anything you wish. I guess Tian Liang, who was a famous swimmer, could be a perfect example for us. He is now an up and coming entrepreneur who spares no time in dealing with those business matters, it wouldn’t be quite easy for him if he got little time doing sports like swimming to keep fit.