雅思口语Part 3: What are the advantages of working abroad? 出国工作的优势有哪些呢?
我觉得还是有很多优势的。首先,在国外工作,我们能认识很多来自不同国家说着不同语言的人们。这也是一次锻炼我们的灵活性以及增长知识的绝 佳时机。另外, 在异国他乡工作需要我们更加的能够适应当地的生活。通过不断调整我们自己,让自己适应当地的环境,我们则会变得越来越独立。
Well, I think there’re many obvious advantages that we would benefit from. First, working abroad means that we could get to know people from different cultures and languages, which is a perfect chance to develop our flexibility and knowledge on all occasions. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, working in an exotic environment requires us to be adaptive. By constantly trying to adapt ourselves to the environment, we could become more and more independent.
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