雅思口语Part 3: 当有人在公共场所使用手机发出很多噪音的时候会有什么影响?
What are the effects when someone is making a lot of noise by using the mobile phone in a public place?
嗯,这的确会对公共场合的其他人造成一些麻烦。当你沉醉于比如王 者荣耀这样的很火爆的手游的同时,游戏本身也会发出很大的音效,周边的人们在等待别人到来也会同时小憩一下,听到这刺耳的声音肯定就会被惹毛了。所以如果要是我在公共场合玩手游的话,我估计会插上我苹果手机的earpods耳机玩,免得他们被打扰了。
Well, it will definitely cause some trouble to others in the public place. When you are kind of indulged into playing Wangzherongrao, which is a really popular game and also at the same time produces some loud sound effects, people near you waiting for someone while taking a break would be driven nuts because of this harsh noise. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, I’d better take my earpods when playing those mobile games on my iPhone in a public place in case people around me get annoyed.