雅思口语Part 3: Do you like any activities on water? 你喜欢水上的活动吗?
是的,我很喜欢水上的活动。比如皮划艇, 它有点上我们常说的单人划艇。在中国,皮划艇还是很少见的,只有在一些海滨城市可能会见到一些。我喜欢皮划艇的原因就是这项运动能够挑战我的胆量并锻炼了我的力量。你不得不在激流中拥抱勇敢,与此同时呢,还得学会和队友一起分工合作,保持皮划艇的平衡。
Yes, I love doing some activities on the water. For instance, Kayaking, which is similar to canoeing. It’s not quite common here in China, but you would probably often see it in coastal cities. The reason why I love it the most is that it really challenges my strength and bravery. You have to kind of embrace the fear of the rip current and at the same time learn to cooperate with your mates to make a balance.
姊妹题:Do people in your country go swimming in their spare time?