雅思口语Part 3问题 人们通过什么方式学习科学?In what ways people learn about science?
Well, the ways to learn about science are many. We do not only get some academic courses like physics, chemistry and so forth in our high school, but also we constantly get exposure to some media talking about something like what’s the third phase of the moon and how the water got contaminated by the wastes from the factories near our city. I think it is those video clips that pop up in our TV and our computer browsers that really make science vivid and comprehensible to us ordinary citizens.
我认为人们还是有很多途径来了解科学的。我们不光平时在学校接受化学、物理等等这类科学类学科知识,而且我们还常常受受到媒体的影响,比如月球的背面是啥样 ,水是如何被周边工厂排放出来的废水给污染的等等。我认为恰恰是这些从电视或者电脑浏览器蹦出来的视频短片以一种简单明了、生动的方式给我们这些普通老百姓呈现出了科学原理。