雅思口语Part3: Do young people like historical stories in your country? 在你的国家,年轻人喜欢历史故事吗?
历史也是一个比较常考的话题,此道问题通常出现在雅思口语第三部分的前一两个问题中,难度系数中等。需要考生具陈述观点并对阐明观点。此处的historical stories可指历史事件(events)也可以是具体的某件发生的事情或者导火索。比如卢沟桥事件,比如曹操的横槊赋诗,梦中杀人等等。
It’s hard to tell, but as far as I know, they generally do. Young people think they could benefit from those things happened in the past. They would get fascinated by the stories if they were exposed to some media telling them something occurred in history that’s quite educational. For instance, this article is from Laokaoya website, there were so many stories around the Warring States period during which wars were often triggered by people among kingdoms. Youngsters would extremely like the strategies different kingdoms implemented in order to win the battle. Although there are fewer battles like that in real life, people would learn the wisdom in the stories to guide their lives.