雅思口语Part3: How do people in your country get news? 你们国家的人民怎么获取新闻?
这道题目是从news(新闻或者消息)相关的话题卡主题延伸出来的part3首 个题目,难度系数适中。需要考生解释清楚国家的人们获取新闻的方式,你可以提一些传统的杂志报纸等媒介,也可以介绍新兴媒体在新闻传播方面给人们带来的影响,言之有理即可。
Well, there are a lot of ways for people in my country to know what has happened at home and abroad recently. For example, they get news from their friends during chitchat or through the mass media like newspaper and TV channels etc. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, I think the most popular way of getting access to the news is through mobile APPs like Wechat, which has become the predominant mobile communication and social-network tool in China.