雅思口语Part 2话题卡:Describe your favorite season of the year 喜欢的季节
这个问题应该算是比较好回答的雅思口语part 2之一。毕竟一年只有四个季节:春,夏,秋,冬。可选择的范围非常有限,哪怕是有选择困难症的同学也完全不用担心。而且我们的祖辈写了无数的文章来描写这四个季节,语料方面非常充足。唯 一需要担心的可能就是自己的回答没有特点,会与其他考生的答案雷同。如果这样子的话,我们可以将自己喜欢的季节稍微细分一下,比如将夏天分为初夏,盛夏;将秋天分为初秋,晚秋等。
Describe your favorite season of the year
You should say:
What it is
When it is
What you do
Why you like it
My favorite season is spring. It lasts from March to May. But to be honest, I prefer the late part of it, because the early spring is very chilly and sometimes it even snows.
春天是一个完美的季节。它几乎适合做所有的事情。首先,我会选择在春天出去旅游,这也算是中国的一项传统。那时,冰冻的河流开始融化,各种各样的花儿逐渐开放,树木开始发芽,鸟儿开始歌唱。我能够感受到大自然的生机和美丽。其次,我会在春天加强运动。冬天太冷,夏天太热,秋天又阴雨连绵。只有春天是运动的最 佳时机,我会约上同学去踢球,去跑步。最后,春天是一年的开始,我会在这时候订立一年的计划,努力提升自己。
Spring is a perfect season. It is almost suitable for everything. I often choose to travel around, which is kind of a Chinese tradition. During that time, frozen rivers begin to melt down, various flowers come into blossom, trees gradually sprout, and birds start singing and mating. Everything is lively and energetic. Do not copy or repost it. I can appreciate the beauty of nature to the fullest. Also, I exercise more often in spring, because winter is too cold, summer is too hot, and autumn is always rainy. Only spring has the ideal weather and temperature. Usually, I will ask my friends to play football or jog in the outdoor. Furthermore, as the beginning of the year, spring is a good time to make a plan. I would write down goals I want to achieve this year and the efforts they need.
Spring has the marvelous scenery and the perfect weather condition and symbolizes a fresh start. They are why I like it so much.