雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a famous athlete you know 描述一个你认识的著 名运动员(有名的运动员)
这道题和曾经考过的另外两篇都与体育相关,烤鸭们可以一同参考,Describe a sports game you’ve watched,Describe a sport that you prefer to do。那么这道题主要突出的重点是运动员,而且是有名的运动员(题目也有可能变形为你一个你崇拜的运动员等)。如果拿到这个题目脑子一片空白的话,推荐大家可以看看最近几届的奥运会,找个想说的运动员就不是什么难事了。比方说,我们可以说体操王子李宁、游泳运动员孙杨、110米跨栏冠 军刘翔、乒乓球运动员邓亚萍、马龙等等。
Describe a famous athlete you know
You should say:
Who he or she is
How you know him or her
What he or she has achieved
Why he is famous
我想要说的是迈克尔·菲尔普斯。他是一位美国著 名游泳运动员,被很多人当做一个游泳传奇。我自己十分喜欢游泳,虽然自己去游泳的次数不算多。我喜欢观看游泳比赛。我从高中一年级就开始看他的游泳比赛。我大哥也是一位游泳爱好者。我记得我那时常常和哥哥一块儿看他比赛。
I am going to talk about Michael Phelps who is a very famous American competition swimmer and is considered a legend. Well, personally I am quite into swimming, even though I don’t go swimming quite often, I love watching the swimming competition. I watched Micheal swimming since I was in the first year of my senior high school. My bigger brother is also a huge swimming fan and I remember I would always watch swimming competition with him.
Micheal is probably one of the most far-famed swimmers in history. He has made a lot of accomplishments in his swimming career.
我认为他的出名归因于很多原因。其中一个原因就是因为他在2008年北京奥运会的时候一下夺取了八枚金 牌。这对于那时一个游泳小白的我来说简直就难以置信。他是一个愿意为目标作出牺牲与努力的人。这也是我十分想要向他学习的原因。
I assume there is a couple of reasons why he is so well-known, one of the reasons is that he won 8 gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Do not copy or repost it. That was really impressive and unbelievable to me who was just a noob in terms of swimming at that time. He is a person who is willing to make many sacrifices and works his butt off to achieve his goals. Tha’s also the reason I really want to learn from him.