雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a film that made you think a lot 让你深思的电影/引发你很多思考的电影
这是一道崭新的雅思口语话题卡,过去十几年从来没有出现过。因此,对于本季度要去参加雅思口语考试的烤鸭们来说,这道题目算是一个重点了。不过,由于该题目涉及到的是电影(film/movie)方面,这属于日常生活的一个角度,所以难度系数适中。想必大家一定在自己的人生中看过至少一部让自己印象深刻到能引人深思的电影了。话题卡对于电影的题材并没有做限定。因此,大家可以说任何类型的电影,只要你你觉得这部电影让你有较为 深刻的思考即可。可以是喜剧类的比如卓别林、周星驰、憨豆的电影,也可以是那种如《流浪地区》的科幻片;可以是《黑客帝国》、《盗梦空间》这样含有深度哲理的电影,也可以是《肖申克的救赎》、《海上钢琴师》等等这样的文艺剧情片等等。
Describe a film that made you think a lot
You should say:
What it was
When you saw it
What it was about
And explain why it made you think a lot
The movie I am going to tell you is The Matrix. It was a Sunday several years ago when I finally got a free day from school and had finished all my homework. But it seemed that all my friends had their own stuff to be busy with. So instead of going outside and having a wonderful time, I stayed at home, bored to death.
I turned on the TV, trying to find some programs to kill time. When I was switching channels, I noticed that the CCTV 6 was playing the Matrix. It was a channel run by China Central Television, focusing on films. Every now and then, it would present some classical ones.
The movie was wonderful. It depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix, created by thought-capable machines to distract humans while using their bodies as an energy source. When computer programmer Thomas Anderson, under the hacker alias “Neo” uncovers the truth, he is drawn into a rebellion against the machines along with other people who have been freed from the Matrix.
I think the plot of this movie is very intriguing, especially under the circumstances where artificial intelligence is developing at an astonishing speed. If one day the machines do generate their self-awareness and disobey human’s orders, will we fall into the same situation as those in the movie?