雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc) you want to improve 描述一个你提升的天赋(例如运动、音乐,等等)
这道题目的难度系数适中,需要大家从生活中寻找自己已有的talent来提高。但是,这里面最让大家困惑的就是natural talent的定义。什么属于natural talent呢?如果大家对题目所给的例子进行展开,如运动、音乐等就绝 对不会跑题。除此之外,只要你觉得比较擅长(哪怕做得还不够完美),比较得心应手的能力都算。可以是实体的,例如钢琴、篮球、足球、唱歌、绘画等,也可以说内在的模仿能力,适应能力等等(这方面最好以事件为例)。依然建议大家看到如下题目之后,先花点时间思考一下,然后再口头演绎一遍,最后参考答案进行学习。
Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And how you feel about it
I would like to level up my potential on Chinese brush calligraphy which I find pretty useful and interesting.
Well, it is a type of handwriting using a bamboo brush that was widely accepted as the main tool to write something in the past when pens hadn’t been invented. Now, it has been considered as a personal recreational activity as we now have more advanced and efficient ways of leaving marks on the paper such as typing, laser printing and so forth.
Actually, I hadn’t realized that I got this talent until last year when I was locked at home for compulsory quarantine. You know, I had nothing to do except for studying and playing online games. Then, website, my father got me a set of Chinese calligraphy brush pens and a copybook on which I could write. It took me only a couple of minutes to get the hang of it. I mean, my handwriting was like 90% the same as those printed samples. My parents were having jaw-dropping facial expressions seeing all my work. So, their recognition has made me work harder on it to kind of tap my full potential on caligraphy.
Well, I think I need to polish this skill by paying more attention to the details such as the force control when I draw the radical of the word. I know I was born with this innate talent of imitation but that only works well if I put much time and effort into calligraphy.
I feel that enhancing this talent is a rewarding experience. You know, with calligraphy, I no longer feel bored. I hope I could keep growing in it!