雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important 描述一项你学到的重要的新技能
本道题目难度系数适中,考察雅思考生描述事物的能力。现在这个社会变化日新月异,我们也需要学习各类技能来适应社会的发展。因此,对于这道题来说,小编建议大家可以关注社会上的新发展,例如,新新兴职业等,看看他们所需要什么技能。比如,程序员需要懂得编程,那么你可以谈谈自己在计算机上学习到的一点点编程小技能。当然,如果没有类似的经历,也可以从自己的生活角度思考,比如学一门外语也算一项技能,学会唱歌、学会开车、学会做饭(烹饪、烘焙等)等等也是生活中对你来说的new skill. 小编建议大家拿到如下题目之后,花1分钟时间自己动笔做个笔记(像真实考场那样)然后开口尝试演练,最后参考范文进行学习。
Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important
You should say:
What it is
Whether it is difficult or not
How you learned it
And explain why you think it is important
A new skill I learned that I think is important is actually driving.
It’s actually a basic skill that most of the college students and office-goers would probably want to be equipped with.
I should say it’s quite difficult for beginners as we have zero knowledge about driving or even about vehicles and the road signs. Being a person who often walked to school, I only knew that the green light is for us to go, and the red light is to stop. Whereas, being able to drive, I gotta learn literally everything about the road and vehicles. Even if I got the driver’s license, it took a lot of effort and time for me to get accustomed to driving in different traffic conditions.
I learned this new skill from my uncle who was an experienced driver driving both private vehicles and huge trucks. So, he was the first person who let me have the hands-on experience that enabled me to pass the driving test within two months.
Well, the reason why I think it’s an essential skill for me is that driving can make my daily commute easier. In the past, I had to wait for at least 5 minutes for the bus to come and probably another half an hour for other passengers to get on and off the bus, which was really time-consuming. But now, I could drive by myself with less time, and it’s more comfortable than taking a bus.