雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a popular person 描述一个受欢迎的人
这道新题季出的话题卡让小编想到了曾经BC出过的一道关于Celebrity(名人)的话题卡,其实就是异曲同工之处。生活中我们总会见到班上,同事中,或者朋友中那几个能说会道的交际花,也会有比方说能够影响一个行业乃至一代人的文人作家、演说家、商业成功人士等等。我们在选取某个受欢迎的人的时候,不必局限于能够给社会给人们带来深远影响的big potato(大人物),也可以说说我们身边的小王、张三。思考思考能不能从与他共事的时候的那些社交上的闪光点。
Describe a popular person
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he or she is
Why you think this person is popular
How this person influences the public
我想说的一位受欢迎的人是金星。她是一位中国非常著 名的芭蕾舞蹈者,同时也是一名著 名的现代舞家。很多人了解到金星这位人是从那则报道中国首批被政府承认的变性人的新闻开始的。
A popular person that I want to say is Jinxing, who is a very famous ballerina and modern dancer in China. A lot of people knew her started from the news that she became one of the first few transsexuals to be recognized as a woman by the government in China.
Actually, I wasn’t familiar with her until I saw a video clip in which she was being interviewed by the media in the World Economic Forum in 2017. She was talking something about the transgender issues with two hosts and many other business talents and guests. At first sight, I thought she was just another successful person like what we read in the magazines. However, the way she talks and those true and spontaneous words of homosexuality she blurted out really touched me. Do not copy or repost it. I guess everyone on the spot were the same, you know, the prejudice that was deeply rooted in our heart about LGBT and things like that were soon gone with the wind.
The reason why I think she is so popular from home and abroad is that she has been brave enough to step out of the obstacles that she got and set an example, as a role model actually, for those who are struggling with those sensitive issues in a traditional cultural environment.
When the dialogue finished, everyone stood up and gave her a great round of applause. Yes, I assume that she deserves it. Her personal life has definitely changed the view of love, marriage, and life principles of the whole young generation in China.Life is with traditions and conservative things, but it’s about the life that you could only live once, right?