雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time 描述一个你拥有很久的壮志雄心/抱负/长久的追求
这道题目的重点在于你所拥有的这个ambition一定得是怀揣多年的追求。至于多久算long time,题目并没有明说。因此,大家选择一个自己认为比较长的追求即可。例如,三年准备高考,四年大学准备出国或者找工作等等情况都算。建议大家拿到这道P2题卡之后可以多给自己一点时间仔细思考一下自己当下最想要实现的长期目标究竟是什么,然后再整理一下自己的思路并口头表达出来。最后,再参考给出的范文进行学习。
Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time
You should say
What it is
What you did for it
When you can achieve it
And explain why you have this ambition
It’s a bit embarrassing to say. But, I have to admit that going abroad to further my study is an ambition that I’ve had for years.
My goal has always been getting matriculated by one of the top 100 universities abroad and being able to concentrate on Physics, which is my favorite.
Well, there’re actually many things to prepare such as polishing my resume by gaining some working and academic research experience, improving my GPA, and getting a decent score on a language proficiency test. Honestly, I have done all of them except for the language test, which I hope I could nail it soon.
I’m not quite sure when I can make it as it depends on a wide range of factors such as the time they give me an offer as well as visa processing and so forth. Oh, and the regulations concerning the pandemic, which is also a headache.
Well, the main reason why I have this ambition is that I get motivated by others. You know, since I was in high school, I’ve heard of many pieces of exciting news that my fellow students were admitted by the top universities from the U.K or other places. You know, being able to earn a degree in another country would definitely be helpful for my future career. So, I want to give it a try.
我拥有这个追求的主要原因是受到他人激励。自从我上了高中,就经常听到很多令人振奋的消息-不少学长学姐们拿到了英国以及其它地方世界顶 级大学的录取通知书。能够在国外拿到一份文凭绝 对会对我未来的职业生涯有帮助。所以,我想试一试。