雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an important letter you received 收到的重要信件
该题目只有一个信息点:important letter重要的信件。现在大家应该都很少使用真正的纸质书信,如果把思路限定在这方面的话可能会觉得该题目难度有点大。但稍微转变一下思路,虽然我们不手写书信了,但电子邮件却变得越来越常见了。我们可以把电子邮件的内容说成信件。这样就容易很多。具体的思路拓展大体有两个方向。第1,信件本身很重要。比如这是自己导师给自己论文的修改意见,或者学校发送的活动时间地点,或者银行发送的某种通知。当然,对于各位考雅思准备出国的考生来说,最为重要的信件应该就是心仪学校给的offer了。第二,信件的书写者很重要。她/他可能是自己暗恋已久的某个人,或者是自己好多年不联系的某位朋友。具体的思路扩展大家还可以参考下从他人那里得到的好 消息和电子邮件这两篇文章。
Describe an important letter you received 收到的重要信件
You should say:
When you received it 你什么时候收到的
Who sent it 谁寄的这封信
What it was about 它的内容是什么
And explain why it was important 为什么它很重要
我要告诉你的重要的信件是来自UCL大学的offer。去年这个时候,我开始申请许多英国大学,希望我可以到那里去完成我的研究生学位。我按要求提交完毕各种材料,开始了令人紧张的等待过程。7个月过去了,各个学校的申请窗口逐渐关闭。周边同样申请的同学也大多数都拿到了学校的offer。但是我申请的3所学校里,有一所已经明确表示拒绝,另一所将我放在waiting list 上,而我最想去的UCL还没有任何回音。我开始觉得可能我没有机会到英国读书了
The important letter I am going to tell you is an offer from University College of London. About the same time last year, I embarked on the application for universities in the United Kingdom, hoping that I could complete my mater degree there. I submitted all the required materials and began the anxious waiting. Seven months had passed. The application windows of many universities gradually closed and a lot of students around me had received their offers. However, among the three colleges I had applied for, one had declined me, one had put me on the hopeless waiting list, and the last on UCL, where I wanted to go most, still had no news. I began to wonder that maybe I could never go to study in UK.
One day afternoon, I went to play badminton with my roommates. During the break, I complained to him about my application experience. Right at that moment, my friend came over and said there was a letter for me. It turned out to be from the UCL student admission office. Do not copy or repost it. My heart immediately began to bump frantically. I could literally feel it at my throat. I could not help to wondering if it was another rejection. I took a deep breath and opened it. Right at the top, it stated that ‘Dear XXX, congratulations’. I was so excited that I started to whoop in the badminton court even before I finished reading it.
This letter changed my life. I had been planning to work after graduation. But now, I will go the United Kingdom and realize my dream.