雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions 积极的建议
You should say:
When you received 什么时候收到的建议
Who gave you the suggestions 谁给的建议
What you did 你做了什么
And explain why the suggestions were positive / how you felt 为什么建议是积极的/你感觉如何
The positive suggestion I am going to tell you is how to overcome procrastination. Procrastination seems to be very popular among the young adults, as you can see it everywhere on the internet. Individuals tend to spend their time on more pleasurable things rather than the pending tasks, and thus put off things that need to be accomplished to a later time, usually the last minute before a deadline, which often result in a poor performance.
I had serious procrastination two years ago when I was finishing my dissertation. Although it was only a month before the due date, my word document was still blank. But I was not worried at all because I believed that one way or another I would eventually completed it. Do not copy or repost it. If this went on, I would probably have failed on my dissertation and lost my master degree. Fortunately, my best friend did not give up on me. He looked up a great deal of articles and offered a suggestion that I divided the dissertation into 20 separate small projects and set a deadline for each one.
我按照他的建议进行,最终顺利完成论文,甚至获得优 秀的评价。以后在工作中做项目的时候我也会这样做。我很感激他,没有他的话,我的人生很有可能就不是像现在这样子了。
I did exactly what he advised and successfully submitted my work. I even got an ‘outstanding’ on it. Later in work, I also followed this procedure, which turned out to be quite useful. I am grateful to his suggestion. Without it, my life could have followed a different path and it would not be a better one.