pop=a kind of drink 汽水
【例句】-What do you want to drink?
-Just pop.
to pop=going somewhere 去某个地方
【例句】I'm just popping to the shop,do you want anything?
XYZ=check your zipper 检查你的拉链
stand someone up
stand someone up 放某人鸽子
【例句】-I'm sorry.I won't stand you up again.You have my word!
-That sounds quite convinced~
【解析】stand someone up这个词组,大家若是次看到,想必多半是满头雾水,怎么单词全都认识,意思却完全不知道。让你一边站着凉快去了,就等于“放你鸽子”~
in the nick of time
in the nick of time 关键时刻,紧要关头
【例句】We got there just in the nick of time. A minute later and she'd have left.
【解析】nick 除了可以做英文名字之外,还可以做名词表示缺口,裂痕的意思。整个短语是在时间的裂缝中—表示时间的紧急,刻不容缓!常与arrive、get there、happen、reach something等连用。
take a dump
take a dump 上大号
【例句】 -Would you mind closing the door?
-I'm trying to take a dump here.
【解析】“dump” 是「丢掉」的意思,「丢」什么不必我解释了吧?平时可不要乱用这个词儿,用错了会很丢脸哦!
pinch pennies
pinch pennies 精打细算
【例句】She loved to shop and buy clothes, while I tended to pinch pennies.
【解析】Pinch作为动词最普通的意思是用食指和拇指捏着,pennies是一分钱硬币,在美国钱币中价值,一百个pennies才值一美元,即使装满了一口袋也没多少钱。Pinch pennies从字面来看是紧紧捏着pennies不放,一定是精打细算,甚至有守财奴的意味了~
take a hike
take a hike 散步,回避,哪凉快哪歇着去
【例句1】I want to take a hike along the river bank,singing my favorite song.
【例句2】Please take a hike while I'm drawing,don't interrupt me!
【解析】take a hike字面意思是去远足散步,也能勇于感觉对方比较烦人的时候,希望别人赶紧走开。多用于平时吵架,语气较重~
love handles
love handles 腰间赘肉,游泳圈
【例句】I exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles!
【解析】love handles=爱的把手??什么鬼??love handles其实是指“腰部两侧多出来的肥肉”(比喻爱人可以将你两侧的赘肉当做把手将你牵走,哈哈)相应的,男生的啤酒肚叫beer belly~
booze 俚语的“酒”
【例句1】He likes to booze.
【例句2】He's all boozed up.
【例句3】BYOB=Bring your own booze.
break a leg
break a leg 祝你好运
【例句1】Break a leg in your test today!
【例句2】I hope your performance in the Golden Concert Hall goes well,break a leg!
【解析】break a leg可不是希望你摔断腿!这句俚语"break a leg"源于莎士比亚时期的舞台传统。演出结束后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,若表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的"小费"。当然,接受了小费,演员是要弯腿行"屈膝礼"的。因此,"Break a leg"成了希望演员演出成功的形象说法。
向大家推荐一个好用的APP—urban dictionary。以后与歪果仁聊天时遇到不认识的俚语,在里面都查得到哟~比如ermahgerd字典里查不到,意思实际上是“oh my god”~
最后祝还要为考试奋战的童靴们——都能break a leg!更多精彩资讯,敬请关注沈阳新航道雅思考试频道。