本期Part2题目:Describe an Interesting Animal
我知道我想说什么动物,但是好多单词不会怎么办?爪子,羽毛,都不会说。很多同学问我,在口语中描述一个感兴趣的小动物,会用到一些生僻的词,例如爪子(paw) 羽毛(feather),这些词在考试的时候经常一紧张就忘了,或者根本不会。其实描述动物不需要太过多纠结于太复杂的词或者太多细节。调整一下思路,答案很简单的!
I just came back from a trip to Australia last week...which is why I'm going to talk about the koala...I saw loads of extremely fascinating animals when I visited a wildlife park the second day of my trip...but the koala was the cutest and the most memorable.
It's like a small grey bear with a huge head...with furry ears and a white belly...the guide at the park told me it has a small pouch like a kangaroo...which makes it quite different from other mammals.
And when did I first see it? Well...like I said I first saw it in person during my holiday a week ago...before that I'd only ever seen pictures of them...my geography teacher in 5th grade actually told all the kids about Australia once and she showed us different plants and wildlife native there...and the koala was one of them...I remember looking at the picture and thinking it was so adorable and that if I ever made enough money...I would buy a plane ticket to Australia just so I could see one in person.
What is most fascinating about it is that sleeps pretty much all the time...the guide explained that it spends 20 hours sleeping and the other 4 hours sitting on branches and munching on leaves...all the animals that I'm aware of spend the majority of their days wide awake...take my dog for example...he only snoozes a few times a day for around 30 minutes...and whenever I'm at home...he's either zooming around 30 minutes...and whenever I'm at home...he's either zooming around my apartment or playing fetch with me...but the koala is the complete opposite.
koala 考拉
wildlife park 野生动物园
furry ears 毛茸茸的耳朵
white belly 白肚皮
guide 讲解员
pouch 口袋
kangaroo 袋鼠
mammals 哺乳动物
geography teacher 地理老师
native 土生的
see one in person 当面去看
branches 树枝
munching on leaves 大口啃着树叶
snoozes 打盹