雅思小作文去哪里旅游?雅思小作文真题:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and 2001.下面由新航道的沈阳雅思培训小编为您介绍!
The bars are the illustrations of how many visitors went to the five main attractions in a European country in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001.
分组1:喜欢的景点VS. 最不爱的景点
It is notable that in all three years, central amusement park was visitors’ favorite, with the number of arrivals staying above 20 million annually 借状语写数据>. Significantly less popular than it, science park and central zoo received under 8 million tourists in each of the three years 无数据考虑全面,重点把握“景区间宏观数据对比”>>. Central zoo, the least attractive one 同位语给出景区间的对比>, was particularly noteworthy, as all the three years witnessed no change in tourist number (5 million).
In 1981, 10 million visitors chose national park as their destination and 7 million chose national gallery. On this year’s level, the popularity increased in 1991, when the attendances were both up by 5 million, 数据间的相同:都比10年前多;数据间的差异:1991年增额VS. 2001年的增额> while another decade later, the growth in the latter was more marked: 8 million in comparison with 2 million.
Overall, there were more tourists visiting this country, whose choices towards these attractions varied over the three years.