
首页>托福>新闻公告>2023年托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor's question

2023年托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor's question

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2023-05-24 13:36



  自2023年7月26日起, 托福iBT考试的时长将由3小时缩短至2小时以内,取消考试中的10分钟休息时间。其中改革比较多就是托福写作,可以用2个关键字抓住改革的精髓:“短”和“学术”。



  表面上看,输出速度没有变化,都是10字/分钟。但是,构思慢的学生要小心了。之前完全可以用10分钟构思,再用20分钟写作。现在必须“短平快”:2分钟内读完教授的邮件和学生留言,然后形成自己的思路,马上动笔,绝 对不能拖泥带水。


  旧版托福写作有一些接地气的题目,比如《你愿意在家吃饭,还是去饭店?》。问的是个人偏好(Personal Preference)。考生不需要有什么知识储备,只要有生活常识和基本英文能力就能交出一份答案。即便是低龄考生和脱离学校很久的社会人士也可以得到不错的分数。

  改革后的题目会“高冷”很多。比如一道样题问你:在过去的两个世纪,推动人类社会进步的最重要的发明是什么?题目还规定你不许讲电脑和手机。ETS示范的满分答卷讨论了“疫苗和抗生素”。但是仔细想想,这要求考生(1)了解科技进步史;(2)有话题词汇储备,比如vaccine, antibiotic, lifespan, pathogen。显然,学术讨论不是仅靠常识就能hold住的。

  2023年托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor's question

  为了更好的帮助大家考好理想的托福写作分数,今天小编整理了2023年托福写作新题范文集,本篇文章的主题是Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor's question.一起来学习一下吧。


  Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

  In your response, you should:

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You will have 10 minutes to write it.



  Funding for education is a really hot topic nowadays, so today we're going to talk about how universities use their limited resources. In the discussion board please respond to the following question:

  Should universities prioritize funding academic facilities like libraries, or is it okay to spend just as much money on sports and athletic programs?


  I think universities should prioritize funding for libraries. Libraries are essential for academic research and study, and they provide students with access to information and resources that they might not have otherwise. Investing in libraries can also help attract and retain the most talented professors, which can ultimately benefit the university as a whole. Sports, on theother hand, appeal to just a small percentage of people. Even in our school, most students aren't on a sports team and don't make use of the fitness center or athletic fields.


  While I agree that libraries are important, I think that sports programs should also be a priority for universities. Sports can bring the campus community together, even if that just means they attend sports and cheer for their favorite athletes. Meanwhile, among the athletes themselves, sports promote teamwork and leadership skills. Additionally, successful sports programs can generate revenue for the university and boost its reputation.


  From my perspecitve, more money should be spent on academic facilities in univiersities.  totally agree with Rachel’s idea that when unviercity funds are being allocated academic facilites such as libraries take priority, because this not only benefit studnents but also at tract talented professors. In addition, I would also state that universities with more advanced libraries, are more likely to attract leading students,as in this highly competitive academic environment, those students are also becoming more demanding in their choice of university.

  An effective and efficient library system is closely related to students’ development. While athletic events could bring people more close, there are also other ways to achieve this. For example, organizing some campus festivals is a more cost-effective way to help students strengthen their bond than investing sums in sports and athletic programs.


  Based on the rubric, I would rate the following sample answer with a score of 4 out of 5.

  There are a few grammatical errors. For example, "univiersities" should be "universities" and "facilites" should be "facilities." There is also a missing "and" before "as in this highly competitive academic environment" which could be corrected for better clarity. Overall, theresponse effectively contributes to the discussion and provides a well-supported argument".


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