托福口语题是单独的口语题,经常考的经典形式之一是“Do you agree or disagree with the statement that …”。学生在回答时经常直接使用“…”。I agree with the statement.”. 这句话是回答的。当然,这句话本身没有问题,但对于寻找一些变化的学生来说,可能很难突破。再加上校园第二题对话题的复述,我们在回答的时候经常要再说一遍。”the man/ woman agrees with the proposal/ announcement.“。下面由新航道的沈阳托福培训小编为您解答!
1、Itmakesalotofsensetome. (还能够接 for someone to do something.)
Make sense 这句话在日常表达中含有双重含义:1:. 我理解你的解释2. 这听起来很合理。我们在这里使用的是第二个意思。这个句子有很多变化,比如:itmakesperfectsense. 或否认:it doesn’t make much sense to me.
例:TPO52 State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement:
People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.
答:it makes a lot of sense to me to go for spare time entertainments with my buddies.
2、Makesomegoodpoints. (适用口语第二题)
这里的point可以理解为“他的理由得分”。例如,当谈话中的女孩同意一封建议信时,我们可以在重复她的观点时说:“ the woman in the conversation thinks that the writer makes some really good points.”
3、I see it that way, too.
Doyouagreeordisagreewiththefollowingstatement?Inthefuture,peoplewillreadfewerbooksthantheydotoady. Usespecificexamplesanddetailstosupportyouropinion.