剑桥雅思6 test 3 section 1听力原文与答案 opening a bank account
这篇雅思听力Section 1是到目前为止所有剑桥雅思真题系列书籍中唯 一的一篇银行场景,但银行场景却是真实考试中还比较经常出现的内容,因此其中涉及到的各类账户,相关资料的词汇都需要大家掌握(雅思备考听力篇 剑6 test 3 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇)。
剑6 test 3 Section 1雅思听力原文
PIETER: Good morning. I’d like to open a bank account, please.
WOMAN: Certainly. If you’d like to take a seat, I’ll just get some details from you. It won’t take long.
PIETER: Thanks.
WOMAN: Is it a current account or a deposit account you wanted?
PIETER: A current account. Example
WOMAN: Right. I’ve got the application form here then. We have different types – I see you’ve got our leaflet there.
PIETER: I’ve decided on the one called ‘Select.’ Q1
WOMAN: Right, that’s fine, so, first of all, can I have your full name please?
PIETER: Yes, it’s Pieter Henes. That’s P-I-E-T-E-R.
WOMAN: Is it H-E-double N-E-S?
PIETER: Uh, only one N actually. It’s a less common spelling of the name.
WOMAN: Oh, right. OK. And what’s your date of birth please?
PIETER: The twenty-seventh of the first, nineteen seventy-three. Q2
WOMAN: Right. And will this be a joint account?
PIETER: No, just myself.
WOMAN: OK, fine. And where are you living, Mr Henes?
PIETER: 15, Riverside. Q3
WOMAN: Is that all one word?
WOMAN: Exeter?
WOMAN: HOW long have you been at your present address? Er, is it more than two years?
PIETER: Ah, just two weeks actually. I only arrived in the country a month ago. I’m from Holland. Q4
WOMAN: Oh, that’s fine. But we normally ask for a previous address in that case.
PIETER: Oh yes, well, it’s Rielsdorf 2. That’s R-I-E-L S-D-O-R F 2, Utrecht.
WOMAN: Holland. OK. Thank you. Do you have a daytime telephone number?
PIETER: Yes, I think the number at my office is six oh-six-two nine-five. Um, just a minute, I’d better check. Oh, no sorry, six-one-six. I’m not used to it yet. Would you like my home number too? Q5
WOMAN: Yes please.
PIETER: It’s seven-nine-six four-three one.
WOMAN: Are they both local numbers?
WOMAN: Right. And your occupation?
PIETER: Well, I’m in Britain as a project manager, but that’s not my main job. I’m an engineer by profession. Q6
WOMAN: I see. I think I’ll put that then. It’s shorter! Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons. You know, if you phone us.
PIETER: Like, erm, my wife’s first name?
WOMAN: Mother‘s might be better. It’s less likely to be known. Q7
PIETER: OK. Hers is Siti.
WOMAN: Siti?
PIETER: Yes, S-I-T-I. It’s Indonesian.
WOMAN: Fine. And how much would you like to open your account with? We usually ask for a minimum sum of £50. That’s about €75.
PIETER: Well, I’m going to transfer €2,000 from my Dutch account, just till I get paid. In fact, I wanted to ask you about that. What’s the best way to do it? Q8
WOMAN: It depends which bank you’re with.
PIETER: It’s the Fransen Bank in Utrecht.
WOMAN: OK, fine. I’ll check that in a minute. If we have links with them we can do a direct transfer. But it’s not a big problem either way. Um, let’s see. How often would you like to receive statements?
PIETER: I haven’t really thought. Um, what’s the usual thing?
WOMAN: It’s up to you. Some people like them weekly.
PIETER: Oh, no, that’s too often. Can I have them sent, Mm, once a month? Q9
WOMAN: Yes, that’s fine. Is there anything else?
PIETER: I was thinking of registering for your internet service at some stage. Q10
WOMAN: Oh, yes. Would you like me to send you information about that?
PIETER: Please, yes.
WOMAN: And would you like to receive information about the bank’s other services – insurance, loans, anything like that?
PIETER: Hmm, I don’t think so, thanks.
WOMAN: That’s OK then. And one last thing, if you agree…
剑6 test 3 Section 1雅思听力答案
1. Select
2. 21.1.1973
3. 15 Riverside
4. 2 weeks
5. 616295
6. engineer
7. mother
8. 2000
9. month
10. internet