
剑桥雅思6 test 3 Section 3听力原文与答案 marketing assignment

作者:沈阳新航道 2021-08-19 09:16

剑桥雅思6 test 3 Section 3听力原文与答案 marketing assignment

从难度上来讲,这篇雅思听力Section 3有些过于简单了。题目在听力原文中的对应点非常好找,答案读的也特别明显。除了第24题稍微有些干扰,以及后半部分语速节奏较快之外,几乎没有任何陷阱或者故意为难大家的地方。不过其场景还是很好的,前半部分提到了各种各样的研究方法,后半部分则都是跟音乐相关的内容。所以词汇方面还是值得注意一下(雅思备考听力篇 剑6 test 3 section 3 雅思听力高频词汇)。

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剑6 test 3 Section 3雅思听力原文

JACK: Lucy, we really need to get working on this marketing assignment. We’ve only got five weeks left to the end of term to design it, carry it out, and then write up the results.

LUCY: Sure. Well, let’s get started right now. Let’s go over the instructions. What exactly do we have to do?

JACK: Well, it says here we have to look at one area of the entertainment industry. There’s a list of the different types. Q21

LUCY: What are they?

JACK: Music, cinema, theatre, sport, and eating out.

LUCY: Is that all?

JACK: Looks like it.

LUCY: So we choose one branch of the industry and then we look at how two different groups of people use it? Is that right?

JACK: Yes.

LUCY: And do we have to use any particular method to get our data? Can we mail out a questionnaire, or do face-to-face interviews, or maybe even observations?

JACK: Well actually, it looks like we don’t have a choice. We have to do telephone interviews. Q22

LUCY: OK, so at least we don’t have to waste time deciding between the different methods.

JACK: Yeah, that’s right. Oh, and the other requirement is the number of interviewees.

LUCY: Not too many, I hope. Ten? Twenty?

JACK: Well, we have to do two groups, remember, and it looks like we have to interview fifteen for each group.

LUCY: That’s thirty altogether then. It’s going to take ages. Q23

JACK: Yes, but remember we’re working on this together, so we’ll only have to do fifteen each.

LUCY: OK, so those are all the requirements?

JACK: Yes, looks like it.

LUCY: So, first, which area are we going to choose? My preference would be cinema, since that’s where I spend most of my money.

JACK: Hmm, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I don’t think there are huge differences in the market there. I mean you get young and old, male and female, rich and poor all going to the same movies.

LUCY: Yeah, maybe you’re right. Let’s make it music then.

JACK: Right. So, what two groups will we compare and contrast?

LUCY: Male and female? Q24

JACK: No. Most of my female friends like the same music as me. Different age groups would be much more likely to show up differences, I think.

LUCY: Yeah, I suppose you’re right again. I’ll take some notes, shall I? So… Age Groups. Well. What do you think? Maybe twenty-five or under for one group, and forty-five or over for the other group? That should show up differences.

JACK: Right.

LUCY: OK. Next. How about the kind of music they like – let’s give them some choices and then we can just tick boxes.

JACK: OK. Let’s have pop, jazz, folk, easy listening… What else? Q25

LUCY: Well, we should include classical. Some people like it, you know. Q26

JACK: OK. OK. And then we should have how they listen to music.

LUCY: The medium. Right. Let’s include radio, CD – and then I guess there’s TV.

JACK: What about concerts? You know, in pubs and halls. Q27

LUCY: Oh yeah, we should include live music of course.

JACK: OK, we’re on a roll now! Next point could be about where they actually get their music.

LUCY: You mean like, do they buy it in music shops, or department stores? Q28

JACK: Yes, or download it from the Internet.

LUCY: Right. That could be for recorded music. Then we need another section for live music. Where do they go for that?

JACK: OK. Let’s say disco, pub, club, concert hall… Q29

LUCY: Or opera house! And I guess we should include karaoke bars. Q30

JACK: Not many of them in this city!

LUCY: OK. We’ll leave that out then. So, what’s left to do?

JACK: That’s it. Well, now we can make a time-scale for doing it.

剑6 test 3 Section 3雅思听力答案

21. entertainment industry

22. telephone interviews

23. 30

24. male and female

25. jazz

26. classical

27. concerts

28. department stores

29. club

30. opera house


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