雅思备考之口语PART THREE Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house? 大多数中国人居住在公寓里还是独栋房子里?这到问题属于与家有关的雅思P3问题
这个问题有两个小点需要烤鸭们注意:1.apartment是美式的说法,依稀记得七八年前的雅思考场上,雅思考官们还都是使用的flat(英式用法)来表达公寓这样一个概念的,不过由于雅思现在逐步的国际化和标准化了,这两个词都有可能出现,因此给位考生们需要注意。 2. house大家不要想成只是别墅才是House, 其实别墅有个更加贴切的说法,叫villa。所以我们把house理解为独栋的房子即可。
Well, the majority of people in China live in an apartment. This is I guess mainly because of the huge population here in China, we don’t have much space to let everyone own a house like the Americans do. But, I do see some people, especially those who live in the suburban areas or in the countryside, have their own houses.
考虑完了live in an apartment or house,咱们来思考一下这个问题:Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?