雅思备考之口语PART THREE部分What is the difference between men and women’s performance on cars?男性和女性开车有什么差别?
Well, to my knowledge, I think the difference was obvious and huge. No offense, but ladies are kind of nervous when driving their cars on road especially for the first one or two years after getting the driving license. But, once they get the hang of it, they would probably be more cautious and careful than men.
当然,我们还可以从男士喜欢喝酒,讨论讨论男士酒后驾车的事情。总之,我们在谈差异的时候, 只要是在谈论男女的区别就可以了,至于是哪方面的区别,各位烤鸭也可以多多发散性得去思考思考。
好了,咱们再来看看这个雅思口语PART THREE部分的问题:What will cars be like in the future?