雅思备考之口语Part3题目准备 Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?
Well, it depends on the exact age range. Most young people who are under the age of 18 like to live with their parents. Because they have their biggest problem of living – money. However, those who are about to graduate from college love to live independently. They don’t want to let their own privacy get exposed to their parents, like the intimate relationship with their new boyfriend or girlfriend, generation gap issue or something like that.
我觉得还是得再看看具体年龄段的情况才好说。大多数低于18岁的年轻人们喜欢和父母住在一起,因为他们面临生活的一个最 大问题,那就是没钱 然而那些即将大学毕业的学生们喜欢自己住,他们不希望自己的隐私被暴露在父母眼里。比如亲密的男女朋友的关系啊,年龄的代沟啊等等类似问题。
好了,咱们继续一鼓作气看看下面的口语part3题目怎么准备:Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?