雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3 教育小孩帮助别人In your view should children be taught to help others?
Yes, I think it’s necessary to teach children to help others. Here in China, we always say children are the flowers of the nation, which means they will have become the pillar of the society and make some contribution to the whole nation in different fields. So, if they were taught nothing about helping others during their childhood, we could imagine there will be more and more selfish individuals who might do little for this country. That’s a horrible thing, and I assume nobody would love to see this happen one day.
是的, 我认为教育孩子去帮助他人是很有必要的。在中国,我们总是说孩子是祖国的花朵,言外之意就是他们将会是未来为祖国的各行各业做出贡献的那一批人。所以,如果在他们的童年都没有接受过相关的教育的,我可以想象的到,未来会出现一大批自私自利的人们,他们对国家并不能做出啥贡献出来。那将是个很可怕的事情。想必也没有人会看到这样的事情发生。
下一个雅思口语Part 3题目:How can we encourage children to help others?