雅思备考之口语part 3问题 Would you live in a foreign country in the future?
Well, I should say, if I got an opportunity to immigrate, I would not hesitate for any second. Why? Because I am really tired of the fast pace of life. Plus, the suffocating air pollution is one of the biggest health issues that trouble nearly all of us city dwellers. So, I would sacrifice the possible prosperity for a healthy and cozy living environment.
如果我要有机会出国定居的话,我应该绝 对不会犹豫的。要问我为啥?因为我实在是受够了快节奏的生活。另外,这让人窒息的空气污染相比是所有市民最头疼的事情,它严重影响到了我们的健康。所以,我会牺牲我在国内未来辉煌腾达的可能性来换取一个相对健康而又舒适的居住环境。
下面,来看看这样一道追问雅思口语part 3问题:How is modern home design (both inside & outside appearance) in your country different to that of the past?