雅思口语Part3: Do children like to play with toys or computer games nowadays? 现在的孩子喜欢玩玩具还是电脑游戏呢?
总体来说的话,孩子们现在更加喜欢玩电脑游戏。你要知道,在如今的中国,大多数的家庭都有一台电脑了,这也得感谢国家经济的快速发展。电脑游戏对孩子们而言似乎更加有趣一些,因为电脑游戏有很好的人机交互和人人交互,另外呢,游戏的情节和特 效也做得让孩子们着迷的很。所以说,还在们会更愿意玩电脑游戏。
Generally speaking, they are now prone to having fun with some computer games. You know what? In China, most families own a computer at home thanks to the fast development of our economy. This article is from laokaoya website. It seems like computer games are more interesting to children as they have better interaction either with the computer or with others, plus, the plots and effects of the games are quite attractive to young kids. So, kids would love to play it more.