雅思口语Part3: Do old people often change plans? 老年人经常改变计划吗?
这道雅思口语第三部分的问题与改变计划这个话题相关,类似考到的话题卡有:Describe a time that you had to change your plan or change your mind(改变主意的经历); Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home(计划一次长途旅行)等等。Plan这个话题虽然与我们的生活很相关,但是具体到的细节问题可能很多人没有仔细去思考过,在现场作答的时候可能考虑的点不够具体,需要烤鸭们多多在这方面下功夫积累。
No, I don’t think so. Mostly, old people are rational and make plans that are well considered. So, they won’t make frequent changes to their plans. Also, old people tend to have relatively more life experience than the youngsters. This article is from laokaoya website. This kind of rich experience shapes their mentality, which helps them face and cope with the matters happened when things are not on track.