雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a competition you want to take part in 想参加的比赛
首先这个competition的范畴要了解清楚,只要是几个组织或者几波人一起互相竞争都算作competition,中文里咱们用”比赛”两个汉字就形容清楚了这个意思。但是在英文中,比赛这个概念有更加细致的说明, 从类别层面或者规模层面等等。比如,世界杯足球赛FIFA World Cup, 我们可以说是tournament(联赛),学校的举办的足球赛、篮球赛、中国好声音(现在叫中国新歌声),中国有嘻哈等等可以用match(正式的比赛,多人或团队竞争)和competition(可能赛时长、规模很大). 那么这题你可以说想参加学校一年一度的秋季运动会,考国家二级运动员的比赛等等,这些比赛可能涉及到的运动项目包括长跑(long-distance race/running)、短跑(sprint/dash)、跳高(high jump)之类的田径项目(track and field),游泳(swimming)或者曲棍球(hockey)等等。
Describe a competition you want to take part in
You should say
What it is
How you got to know about this competition
Where you want to take it
And explain why you want to take it
Well, a competition I want to participate in is the WCG, which is the acronym for World Cyber Games. It is a well-known competition for gamers around the world.
我第1次知道有这么一个比赛还是在2005年的那会儿。我记得有一位叫做SKY的中国选手为中国拿到了这个比赛的首 个冠 军。其实在那个时候我已经有了7年的游戏经验,但是看着这些职业玩家们互相同台竞争真是人生中一次很新鲜的体验。他们的表现,比如在星际争霸这款游戏中,给我带来了不同的想法和思路。我跟我的朋友之间打比赛很多获胜的经历都归功于这个WCG比赛。
The first time I got to know about this competition was back in 2005 in which a Chinese game player called Sky has got the first Championship for China. Actually, at that time, I had already played computer games for 7 years, but watching someone professionals compete against each other was a brand new amazing experience in my life. Do not copy or repost it. Their performances in the games like The Warcraft has really brought me different perspectives. A lot of winning experience with my friends was owed to watching this competition.
It was cool to watch them play because you will feel that some strategies and techniques could be well implemented in the games and your teamwork will be built up by cooperation.
I think the most important reason why I want to participate in this competition, even a single tournament would be fine, is that I desire to have a hands-on experience by getting involved into it. You might never feel what it is really like until you give it a shot, right?