雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a favorite song of yours 描述一首你喜欢的歌曲
说到你喜欢的歌曲,想必烤鸭们心中应该或多或少有一两首特别喜欢单曲循环的歌曲吧。比如可能是周华健的花心,可能是周杰伦的歌曲七里香,孙燕姿的绿光,可能是TFBOYS的青春修炼手册或者吴亦凡的free style等等。这些都可以拿出来说给雅思口语考官听。不过小编要提醒大家的是一定要说清楚你喜欢这首歌曲的原因。当然,不少烤鸭可能说的歌曲都是中国的歌曲,老外考官听得懂吗?这个不必担心,只要你把话说明白了就好,考官不会因为你的歌曲来自异国他乡而给你口语打低分。
Describe a favorite song of yours
You should say:
What this song is about
When you listened to this song for the first time
How often you listen to this song
And explain why you think it is your favorite
A favorite song of mine is Pengyou, which is from Zhou Huajian, who was a very well-known Chinese singer in the 90s and still is. This song is all about friendship. Just like the lyrics said, friends, we walk together always.
我不太记得我第1次听这首歌是什么时候了。但绝 对是很久远的事情了,大概是在我上小学的时候?我第1次听到这首歌的时候,我就被这首歌给迷住了,尤其是它的旋律和还有歌词。那个时候我从未听过如此纯净有积极向上的歌曲。那个时候还有一首叫同一首歌,也是很出名,但是在我心中还是这首歌曲最完美。
I can’t remember when I listened to this song for the first time. It was definitely very long time ago, maybe when I was in the primary school? The moment I heard the song, I was kind of fascinated by the rhythm and the lyrics. Never had I heard such a pure and positive song at that time. Another song that also made me feel good was called TONGYISHOUGE, but you know it’s not as perfect as this one in my mind.
During the preparation for the college entrance exam, I got extremely stressful because of the burden I had from both of my family and my peers. It was this song that really helped me stick to it. Do not copy or repost it. So, I think the reason why I love this song so much is that this song teaches how to become positive and let me know that I was not alone, I’ve got my friends who would stand by my side always.
Right now, we have so many young and talented pop song singers in China, like TFBoys. But, I still can’t forget those days when I listened to this song and regarded it as a soul companion of mine.